

Hur man kommenterar böcker på Goodreads

Since Goodreads started in 2008, it has quickly become one of the best places to discover new books. It is an online service where people can rate books, share their thoughts, and connect with other readers. It also has its own mobile app and allows its users to keep track of the books they are reading, along with their thoughts on them.

Goodreads is completely open-source and allows the community to add and edit features that they find useful. They can also use the comments to discuss, debate, or even argue about a particular book, just like on Hacker News. However, these comments don't get displayed right away. Users must first set up their accounts on Goodreads and then add books and comments. This way, only people who have already set up an account on Goodreads can comment on books.

On the other hand, users on Hacker News can comment on any article, regardless of who wrote it. The comments are displayed in real-time and all the users are ranked based on how many likes and upvotes their comments received. The article can be displayed as text or as a link to another article that contains a different perspective on the same subject. The comments are very detailed and will help you decide if the book is for you or not.

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